Master Plan 2040

The Sunshine Coast Airport Pty Ltd Master Plan 2040 has been prepared to guide the future development of the Sunshine Coast Airport to 2040 and beyond.

Master Plan 2040


Airports by their nature require long-term planning horizons and Airport Master Plans are developed periodically by airports as part of good business practice to plan out the staged growth of an airport into the future. In the case of Sunshine Coast Airport, we are required to prepare an Airport Master Plan for the review and approval of Sunshine Coast Council under the terms of our 99-year airport lease agreement, between Sunshine Coast Council and Sunshine Coast Airport Pty Ltd.

The Airport Master Plan is a planning document that sets out how the airport will be developed over time to accommodate the future needs of the airport and the community as they grow over the next 20 years and beyond.

Master Plan Feedback Submissions

The Sunshine Coast Airport Draft Master Plan 2040 is intended to be a high-level blueprint for the next 20 years, outlining the Airport’s vision, objectives and strategies to facilitate future growth and economic activity in the Sunshine Coast region.

A 10-week (50 business days) community engagement period commenced on Thursday 30 May 2019 with feedback submissions due Friday 9 August 2019.

Around 400 submissions were received during the community engagement period, and responses to the topics raised in the submissions are provided here.

Following the consultation period, Sunshine Coast Airport’s Final Draft Master Plan 2040 was submitted to Sunshine Coast Council for review.
Sunshine Coast Council approved the Final Draft Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on Thursday 17 October 2019.

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