Understanding Aircraft Noise

The level of noise you hear from an aircraft during take off, landing and during flight can vary. Aircraft noise is influenced by a number of different factors, including:
– the weather, including season, wind and cloud cover
– the height of an aircraft
– changes in engine thrust
– type of aircraft.

People react differently to noise and what you hear can be influenced by your surrounding environment.

Understanding Aircraft Noise

How Aircraft Noise is Measured

Sound is usually measured in decibels (dB). Aircraft noise is measured in decibels adjusted (dB(A)) which means decibels have been adjusted to reflect the ear’s response to different frequencies of sound.

Flight paths and wind directions

Flight paths at Sunshine Coast Airport have been designed to optimally align with prevailing wind conditions when taking off and landing on the new runway.

Each end of Runway 13/31 reflects the runway’s orientation, with Runway 13 at the north-west end, and Runway 31 at the south-east end. This indicates which end of the runway pilots should use to start their take-off or landing based on wind conditions. In easterly winds, which are typical for the Airport’s location, aircraft will use Runway 13, arriving over land from the north-west and departing over the ocean to the south-east. When winds are westerly, aircraft will use Runway 31, arriving over the ocean and taking off over land to the north-west. 

Under the Noise Abatement Procedure Airservices Australia have nominated a preferred runway. The preferred runway however may not be able to be used in certain situations for example weather conditions or operational requirements. Further information about the Noise Abatement Procedure can be found on our website or through Airservices Australia website under Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood

What will aircraft noise sound like for residents?

People often question what aircraft noise will sound like. While dependent on a range of factors, noise forecasts indicate aircraft noise from the new flight paths will be less than 75 decibels.

While these forecasts assume aircraft are arriving to land at the lowest design height, it is expected that most aircraft will actually be higher than this, which will further reduce the noise impact on the ground.

As a guide, typical sound levels experienced during normal conversation sit at 60 decibels. A café may range from 50 to 70 decibels, while a household appliance like a dishwasher or vacuum cleaner sit between 70 and 75 decibels.

Aviation technology to reduce noise

Aviation has come a long way in terms of lowering noise and emissions and advances in technology mean aircraft are quieter and more fuel efficient than ever before.

Airservices Australia is introducing new approach and departure procedures which will improve management of aircraft operations by aircraft and air traffic control systems, reducing pilot and air traffic control workload and resulting in reduced fuel burn and lower emissions.

This means the new Sunshine Coast Airport flight paths are considered to be less noisy and more environmentally efficient while still maintaining the highest levels of safety.

Fly Neighbourly Agreements for Fixed Wing

View the airport’s Fly Neighbourly Agreement for Fixed Wing Aircraft

Fly Neighbourly Agreements for Helicopters

View the airport’s Fly Neighbourly Agreement for Helicopters

Aircraft Noise Information Tool

Find out more about the Aircraft Noise Information Tool